Making the Most of 2020

A new year and even more so a new decade, is the perfect time to reevaluate your personal and professional goals. However, New Year’s Resolutions are often only aspirational and sometimes abandoned even before the end of January. Whether the resolution is too vague or too drastic of a change or simply not feasible, it’s easy to abandon the venture and fall back into old patterns. Following through sometimes requires a change in perspective.

Couple working out together

Redefine Your Resolutions

Translate your resolutions into attainable goals. One major issue people have is that they over extend. By setting smaller and more attainable goals, you can start a snowball effect that helps you progress toward the final result. It’s the same principle behind completing small tasks before tackling larger and more difficult projects.

Develop a plan to follow through. The best way to accomplish steady progression is by creating a comprehensive plan. If your resolution is to lose weight, create a workout routine and a meal plan. If it’s to learn a new language, set a goal to learn a new set of words each week and practice at the end. By creating a checklist, you can chart your progression and see your accomplishments laid out in front of you.

Don’t lose hope. Creating a new habit can take different amounts of time depending on the individual, so simply continuing on your path is one of the most important steps towards accomplishing your goals. Even in the face of setbacks or failure, it’s important to start again or keep going. Refocus your goals for how far you’ve come or set a new one to seek.

Reward yourself. Maintaining positivity is incredibly important. When you accomplish one of your smaller goals, take the time to appreciate your success.

Simple Changes

Women waking early turning off alarm

Even if you’re not one for the formality of resolutions, or you don’t struggle with setting goals, 2020 can still be a year of positive change. Consider some of these tips for getting the most out of the next year.

  • Start Your Day A Little Earlier – Even just setting your alarm 15 minutes earlier will allow you to mentally prepare for the day. Even earlier and you can read or exercise before you have to get moving.
  • Cut Down Your Screen Time – Especially before bed, because the light from phones and laptops can reduce your natural melatonin production. Reducing your time on social media on your phone can also improve your mood and help avoid bad posture, because you aren’t constantly looking down.
  • Listen To Your Body When It’s Tired – Most adults don’t get the recommended amount of sleep, but there is even a culture of sleeplessness in America. Consider getting to bed earlier and you’ll see improvements in your mood, but also in your physical health and energy throughout the day.
  • Take Up A Hobby – Hobbies are great for relieving stress and offer the chance to explore other aspects of your personality and creativity than you normally get from work. They also encourage you to take a mental break, which can improve your capacity when you are back on the clock.

One major change to consider this year, is working on improving your work-life balance. There is a belief that anything you do that isn’t related to productivity is worthless and this idea is a surefire way to cause a burnout. Find ways to decompress after works and remember that taking breaks is healthy. In the end, if you still worry about professional growth, keep in mind that making some of these changes will have a positive effect on your work performance, as well.

This is by no means an exhaustive list of steps, and what works will vary wildly from person to person, but just by considering and working towards making a change you are on the right track.

2020-01-15T20:11:52-05:00January 15th, 2020|Company Workplace Tips, Self Improvement|