Mary Anderson

About Mary Anderson

Ms. Anderson began her employment with Johns Eastern Company in January 2003. She has handled Property and Casualty claims for self-insured corporations, school boards and county governments. Ms. Anderson also worked as a field adjuster, inspecting property damage and investigating injury claims. She currently supervises a team that handles Commercial Property claims for a Surplus Lines carrier. Ms. Anderson holds a Florida All-Lines license. She obtained her Associate in Claims designation in 2010 and is currently working towards her CPCU designation.

Eight Tips For Identity Theft Protection

Often, identity thieves will attempt to use another person's personal information, such as a Social Security number, mother's maiden name, date of birth, or account number to open fraudulent new accounts, charge existing credit card accounts, or even obtain new loans in a victim’s name. The team at Johns Eastern recommends following these 8 tips to protect yourself, and we recommend you start today.

2018-12-22T16:34:40-05:00July 27th, 2015|Identity Theft|